Proceed with caution, keeping one hand on your concealed wand and an eye out for any disturbance? 杖を取り出し、警戒しながら進む
Draw your wand and try to discover the source of the noise? 杖を取り出し、まずは音の出どころを探ろうとする
Draw your wand and stand your ground? 杖を取り出して立ち向かう
Withdraw into the shadows to await developments, while mentally reviewing the most appropriate defensive and offensive spells, should trouble occur? すぐさま物陰に隠れて事態の展開を待ちつつ、頭の中で最適な攻撃・防御手段の魔法をイメージする
Q.Which of the following would you most like to study?
Q.Which of the following would you most hate people to call you?
Q.Which road tempts you most?
The wide, sunny, grassy lane(日当たりの良い広い芝生の小道)
The narrow, dark, lantern-lit alley(ランタンに照らされた暗くて狭い路地)
The twisting, leaf-strewn path through woods(落ち葉が散らばる曲がりくねった森の中の小道)
The cobbled street lined with ancient buildings(古い建物が立ち並ぶ石畳の通り)
Q.Which of the following do you find most difficult to deal with?
Being Ignored(無視される)
Q.Which would you rather be?
Q.What kind of instrument most pleases your ear?
Q.Which road tempts you most?
Standing on top of something very high and realizing suddenly that there are no hand- or footholds, nor any barrier to stop you falling 手すりや足場、落下を止める障壁もないようなとても高い所に突如として立たされる
An eye at the keyhole of the dark, windowless room in which you are locked 暗くて窓のない部屋に閉じ込められ、鍵穴からは瞳が覗いている
Waking up to find that neither your friends nor your family have any idea who you are 目を覚ますと、友人も家族もあなたが誰であるかを知らない
Being forced to speak in such a silly voice that hardly anyone can understand you, and everyone laughs at you 誰にも理解されないほど馬鹿げた声しか出せなくなり、みんなに笑われる
Q.A troll has gone berserk in the Headmaster’s study at Hogwarts. It is about to smash, crush and tear several irreplaceable items and treasures. In which order would you rescue these objects from the troll’s club, if you could? (Select Order)
A nearly perfected cure for dragon pox(竜痘のほぼ完璧な治療法)
Student records going back 1000 years(1000年前にさかのぼる学生の記録)
A mysterious handwritten book full of strange runes(不思議なルーン文字だらけの手書き本)
Q.You enter an enchanted garden. What would you be most curious to examine first?
日本語訳:あなたは魔法の庭に足を踏み入れました。 どれに興味を持ちましたか?
The silver leafed tree bearing golden apples 金のリンゴが実った銀葉の木
The fat red toadstools that appear to be talking to each other 互いに話しているように見える肥大な赤い毒キノコ
The bubbling pool, in the depths of which something luminous is swirling 奥に光る何かが渦巻いている、泡立つ水たまり
The statue of an old wizard with a strangely twinkling eye 不思議な輝きを放つ老魔法使いの像
Q.Four goblets are placed before you. Which would you choose to drink?
The foaming, frothing, silvery liquid that sparkles as though containing ground diamonds. あたかもダイヤモンドを粉砕したかのように輝く、泡立つ銀色の液体。
The smooth, thick, richly purple drink that gives off a delicious smell of chocolate and plums. チョコレートとプラムのおいしそうな香りが漂う、なめらかでとろみのある濃厚な紫色のドリンク
The golden liquid so bright that it hurts the eye, and which makes sunspots dance all around the room. 部屋中に黒点を躍らせ、目を痛めるほど明るい金色の液体
The mysterious black liquid that gleams like ink, and gives off fumes that make you see strange visions. 奇妙な幻影をうつす煙を出している、インクのように黒く光る謎の液体
Q.Four boxes are placed before you. Which would you try and open?
The small tortoiseshell box, embellished with gold, inside which some small creature seems to be squeaking. 金で装飾された小さなべっこうの箱。中からは小さな生き物の鳴き声がする
The gleaming jet black box with a silver lock and key, marked with a mysterious rune that you know to be the mark of Merlin. 銀色の鍵が掛かった漆黒の箱。マーリンのマークだと知られている神秘的なルーンが刻印されている
The ornate golden casket, standing on clawed feet, whose inscription warns that both secret knowledge and unbearable temptation lie within. 鉤爪のついた足で立っている華麗な黄金の箱。中には秘密の知識と耐え難い誘惑があると警告する碑文あり
The small pewter box, unassuming and plain, with a scratched message upon it that reads “I open only for the worthy.” 小さくて目立たない素朴なピューター製の箱。「私は価値のある人のためにのみ開きます」と書かれた引っかき傷のメッセージあり
Q.A Muggle confronts you and says that they are sure you are a witch or wizard. Do you
Q.One of your house mates has cheated in a Hogwarts exam by using a Self-Spelling Quill. Now he has come top of the class in Charms, beating you into second place. Professor Flitwick is suspicious of what happened. He draws you to one side after his lesson and asks you whether or not your classmate used a forbidden quill. What do you do?
Lie and say you don’t know (but hope that somebody else tells Professor Flitwick the truth). 嘘をつき、知らないと言う
Tell Professor Flitwick that he ought to ask your classmate (and resolve to tell your classmate that if he doesn’t tell the truth, you will). ほかの人に聞いてくださいと言う
Tell Professor Flitwick the truth. If your classmate is prepared to win by cheating, he deserves to be found out. Also, as you are both in the same house, any points he loses will be regained by you, for coming first in his place. 本当のことを正直に話す
You would not wait to be asked to tell Professor Flitwick the truth. If you knew that somebody was using a forbidden quill, you would tell the teacher before the exam started. そもそも試験中に誰かが不正をした時点で、その場で申し出る
Q.If you were attending Hogwarts, which pet would you choose to take with you?